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Dedicated in Memory of Estelle & Sam Samson z”l by their loving children David, Allen and Lawrence Samson.

Caring for Our Community

Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Ba Zeh. We are all responsible for one another. Below is a list of all aspects of our Areivim Committee which provide support and a helping hand for those within our shul community. 

► Bikur Chaverim

The Bikur Chaverim committee is headed by Mark and Anne Goldin at and needs volunteers to visit or call members of our community.

► Blowing Shofar

We need people to volunteer to blow Shofar for people who are unable to attend services on Rosh Hashana. Contact Rabbi Posy for more details:

► Meals for those in Need

Whether it is a medical issue, family or work related situation, there are times when members in our community need our help with meals. To volunteer to send food to those in need, or to receive assistance with meals, please contact: Michelle Dolgin

► Purim

We need volunteers to pack and/or deliver Purim baskets. Contact Esther Frankel for more details:

► Shabbat Security

Please help us keep our precious congregation safe. Volunteer for the Shabbat security committee. Coordinated by Ari Miller,

► Shabbat Hospitality

The Shabbat Hospitality Committee needs volunteer members to host guests for Shabbat meals.  If you would like to host a shul member or visitor for a Shabbat meal, please contact the front desk at frontdesk@

► Shalom Aleichem Team

Our Shalom Aleichem team ensures that newcomers to our shul receive a friendly greeting. If you would like to volunteer to greet shul guests on Shabbat morning, please contact Rabbi Topp at


► Shiva Support

Whether for members sitting shiva, suffering an illness or in need of support, we need volunteers to help make meals and/or provide assistance.  Volunteer to make condolence visits and/or be a part of minyan services during Shiva periods when applicable. If you would like to volunteer to provide a meal, please contact Marcie Meier at, Phyllis Katzin at or Marlene Schaechter at

► Support for Parents of Newborns

Sign up for a meal train to make meals for new moms. If you would like to get involved, contact Rachel Kessler at

► Tahara

We invite you to participate in this “Chesed Shel Emet”. Vivian Lurie is one of the Tahara coordinators for the women. She may be reached at For men’s Taharot, contact Benny Adler at Young volunteers are appreciated. If you would like to learn more about Tahara and understand the commitment that is needed at a “last minute” notice, please email Vivian or Benny.

► Walking the Elderly to Shul on Shabbat

We need volunteers to accompany some elderly members to shul on Shabbat when applicable. Contact Mark Goldin at


Shabbat starts Friday: 7:40PM
Shabbat ends Saturday: 8:39PM
Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784